GZ Industrial Supplies Product reviews


GZ Industrial experts and an external team of power tools experts review tools and industrial materials from nearly all tool brands, industrial B2B manufacturers, Construction materials, and medical equipment manufacturers. The major brands are Hitachi (now Metabo-HPT), Bosch, Makita, RIDGID, and DeWalt. We try to get our hands on as many power tools hand tools, medical equipment as possible. This gives our professional reviewers a really good feel for quality, durability, and value. From mainstream to industrial and trade-focused, GZ Industrial delivers and provides the Pro perspective.

We test using scientific processes as well as on job sites to determine which tools outperform others. When it comes down to it, power, speed, run-time, ergonomics, and value dominate our testing criteria. We also get information from test labs on features and functionality that customers are willing to pay the premium for. Then, we factor in build quality, warranty, and features. Put it all together, and you’ve got a recipe for separating the men from the boys. 

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